Calculating Requisitions and Usage
What is a Requisition?
A requisition, more simply referred to as a connection, is a live link between an end user’s bank account(s) at a specific bank and your company. This connection remains active for a maximum of 90 or 180 days.
For example:
End User has the following bank accounts:
Main Street Bank (user accesses both accounts through the same login credentials)
- Current Account
- Savings Account
Capital Bank
- Current Account
This is two requisitions for three bank accounts.
In other words, one end user authorisation (via bank's biometric/manual login) is equal to one requisition — regardless of the number of bank accounts at that bank (e.g.: current account and savings account that both have the same login credentials for the user).
Determining "Active Requisitions per Month" for Billing:
When calculating API usage for billing purposes, we consider a requisition as active if it meets the following criteria at any time during a given calendar month (in the UTC time zone):
- Status is Linked (status: LN)
- Has an active End-User Agreement (accepted and not expired)
- Not a Sandbox requisition (institution_id: SANDBOXFINANCE_SFIN000*)
- Not deleted before 00:00:00 UTC on the first day of the month
Multiple Requisitions for the Same Account:
If you connect the same account(s) twice through different requisitions, each connection will be counted as a separate active requisition for that month.
Optimising Monthly Usage Fees:
To manage your monthly usage fees effectively, we recommend evaluating the required validity period for each requisition (depending on your use case) and deleting any unnecessary requisitions before the start of the upcoming calendar month. You can use the following endpoint to delete requisitions:
DELETE /api/v2/requisitions/{id}/
For example, if you delete a requisition during April that would have been valid in May, it will still be counted towards your April usage but not for May.
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