By default, GoCardless Bank Account Data API allows you to access 3 major data blocks via the platform - account details, account balance, and transactions. For some use cases, not all data blocks are needed, therefore we have enabled a feature that allows our customers to define which data blocks they will be asking end users to give access to. This feature is currently available for specific banks only and will be rolled out for other integrations gradually based on prioritization and demand.
How to apply this feature
To apply customised consent, you would need to define access scope when creating an end user agreement.
POST /api/agreements/enduser/ endpoint includes example on how to pass values for access_scope. Refer to Quickstart Step 3 for more details and examples.
Note that Polish banks only allow creating combined consent for details and balances so both values needs to be passed in case one wants to access only details information but exclude transaction information. Once the access scope is defined, end user will be presented with the customised consent, and only specified data blocks will be available from a bank after successful authentication.
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